
Dorking Rugby Football Club


Sponsors & Supporters

September10th VP/Members Lunch (Cobham)
 18thYouth Parents Social
November5thBonfire Disco
 28thFinancial AGM
December3rdVP/Members Lunch (KCS Old Boys)
 10th‘Christmas At The Club’
 11thHock & Cockles – 12pm 
February11thVP/Members Lunch (Old Wellingtonians)
March25thVP/Members Lunch (Alton)

Grand Christmas Draw Winners

1st Prize – £500 Mrs Kirsten Poorter Ticket No 47913
2nd Prize – £250Mr Les Harvey   Ticket No 09377
3rd Prize – £100 Dr Karen Thomas Ticket No 03406

Hire the Clubhouse!

If you are planning a special celebration, a business conference or a good old fashioned knees-up and need a great venue – hire the Clubhouse. We have hosted birthday parties, corporate meetings, wedding anniversaries and charity events to name but a few. And if your Company needs somewhere for its Christmas do……..

For further information contact Dermot Pearce on 01306 631456

300 Club

Latest Winners:

 OctNigel PankhurstFrank Brooks
 SepJohn AarvoldNigel Gaymer
 AugTony EdgleyToby Case

What is the 300 Club?

The 300 Club is a prize draw run along the lines of the National Lottery. The prizes are more modest, but the chances of winning are far greater! The Club can issue up to 300 shares. These are entered into a monthly draw where 60% of the income each month is returned in prizes and the remaining 40% is used to provide additional resources for the Club

How does it work?

A modest subscription of £5 entitles a member’s share number to be entered in the regular monthly draw. There are two prizes, a 1st prize of 40% of the income and a second prize of 20%. Draws will be held in the Clubhouse Bar at the beginning of each month (for the preceding month’s income). If all 300 shares are in issue, then the monthly prize pot would be £900 and the 1st prize would be £600 and the second prize would be £300. If only 150 shares were to be in issue, then the prizes would be £300 and £150 respectively – so it is in your interest to get all 300 shares issued as soon as possible!

What does it cost?

£5 per month per share. You may buy as many shares as you wish. Payment can be made on a regular basis by standing order (preferred method), or alternatively by cash or cheque annually in advance. You may cancel standing orders at any time.

How to join

Simply print the attached application form and standing order mandate and send them to Dermot Pearce as per the address therein.